Lieutenant Colonel Rosemary K. Chappell , Bureau Chief
In March 2003, the Criminal Investigation Bureau first organized within the Department as the Homeland Security and Intelligence Bureau. In October 2004, the Bureau became the Homeland Security and Investigation Bureau. In January 2009, the homeland security function transferred to the Office of Secretary, and the Bureau adopted its present name.
The Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) is charged with investigation of violent crime, criminal and drug violations across the State and provides the investigative functions for the Department, in partnership with allied law enforcement agencies. The CIB command includes the Criminal Enforcement Division (CED), Licensing Division (LD) and Forensic Sciences Division (FSD).
Preventing and reducing violent crime in Maryland is a key goal of the Maryland State Police and one of the primary strategies to meet this goal is to focus on cross-jurisdictional (county to county) and cross border (state to state) crime. Recognizing that crime knows no boundaries. Criminals and criminal organizations utilize local police boundaries to their benefit to avoid detection and to further their criminal enterprises. The Maryland State Police, uniquely qualified with statewide authority and ability to impact crime in Maryland on a much larger scale, has structured its criminal investigative efforts to provide greater response to crime and greater resources to local departments. Using a regional, yet Statewide configuration, the CIB focus on cross-jurisdictional and cross-border crimes capitalizes on our statewide authority to apprehend criminals and dismantle criminal enterprises that are taking advantage of local police departments forced to police within boundaries.
The Criminal Enforcement Division is comprised of special investigative groups that work on criminal enforcement, gang and firearms enforcement, computer crimes, missing children, homicides, fugitive apprehension, vehicle theft, insurance fraud and environmental crimes. The Forensic Sciences Division provides all Maryland law enforcement agencies and the citizens of Maryland with the highest quality and integrity in forensic laboratory analysis and expert testimony.
The Licensing Division is responsible for administering the law and conducting investigations concerning the issuance of the Maryland Handgun Qualification License, the registration of Maryland Qualified Handgun Instructors, the sale and transfer of regulated firearms and machine guns, the licensing and regulation of Maryland Regulated Firearms Dealers, the commissioning of Special Police and Railroad Police Officers, the licensing of Private Detectives, Private Detective Agencies, Security Guards and Security Guard Agencies, the licensing of Security Systems Technicians and Security Systems Agencies, the registration of Maryland Law Enforcement K-9 dogs, eavesdropping, wiretapping and electronic listening devices, and the issuance of State of Maryland Wear and Carry Permits.