Any person who wishes to be employed as a security guard in Maryland. A security guard is an individual, 18 years or older, who is an employee of a security guard agency and provides security guard services to another person on behalf of a security guard agency; or is an employee of a security guard employer and provides security guard services to the security guard employer. Security guard services include any activity that is performed for compensation as a security guard to protect any individual or property, except the activities of an individual while performing as:
Individuals who are not current employees of or a current applicant for employment with a licensed security guard agency or a security guard employer are not eligible to apply for a State of Maryland Security Guard Certification.
Prerequisites to Apply for Security Guard Certification
- LIVESCAN FINGERPRINTS - Prior to submitting a Security Guard Certification application, the applicant is required to submit Livescan fingerprints for a background investigation. The applicant must provide a receipt from the Livescan vendor documenting the submission of Livescan fingerprints to Maryland CJIS and the FBI under the Security Guard Certification authorization code. This receipt is valid for 30-days from the date the Livescan fingerprints are submitted and will be required to be uploaded into the Security Guard Certification application in the Licensing Portal. The Security Guard Certification authorization code and additional information regarding the fingerprinting process is available here.
- INITIAL SECURITY TRAINING - Provides documentation of satisfactory completion of 12 hours of initial security training that is approved by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission under § 19–412 of the Business Occupations and Professions Article or documentation of being employed as a police officer in the 3 years immediately preceding the application.
- COLOR PASSPORT STYLE PHOTOGRAPH - The applicant will be required to upload a color passport style photograph into the Security Guard Certification application in the Licensing Portal. A photo editor and complete instructions will be found on the photograph page of the Security Guard Certification application. It is not necessary to purchase passport style photographs for this process.
How To Apply
The Maryland State Police application for Security Guard Certification can ONLY be completed through the Licensing Portal. Applicants for Security Guard Certification will be required to submit the above prerequisites and required documentation.
Application Process
Once a Security Guard Certification applicant has submitted Livescan fingerprints and has satisfactorily completed the initial security training course, they should access the
Licensing Portal and begin the application for Security Guard Certification.
Applicants who do not have a Licensing Portal account will be required to create one in order to access the Security Guard Certification application.
You are required to have your own personal account in the Licensing Portal. Do Not Share Your Portal Account with anyone - there are specific details tied to the expiration of YOUR licenses and YOUR demographic information. Once you have created your account, you will be able to login and start your Security Guard Certification application. Upon completing and submitting the applicant portion of the Security Guard Certification application, you will receive a confirmation email with your application number and PIN number. Both the application number and PIN number will be required by your Security Guard Agency or Security Guard Employer.
You will need to provide your Agency or Employer with certain information for them to access your application via the Licensing Portal. The Agency or Employer will access the Security Guard Certification application and verify the identity of the applicant, the application data entered, reaffirm the application questions with the applicant and submit the application along with the required fees to the Licensing Division.
The Licensing Division will review the application for completion and accept all complete applications. Should an application not meet the minimum requirements for acceptance, the application will be sent back to the applicant, agency or employer for corrections. After the corrections have been made, the application can be resubmitted for review and acceptance.
Accepted applications will be submitted into the queue for a criminal history background investigation to be completed on the applicant. During the course of this investigation, the applicant may be contacted by a background investigator to schedule an interview if necessary.
Once the background investigation is complete, the Licensing Division will render a final disposition on the application and the applicant will be notified via email of the final disposition. If the notification email states that the final disposition is Not Disapproved then your Security Guard Certification has been approved. If the notification email states your final disposition is disapproved you may contact the Maryland State Police Licensing Division for more information regarding the Disapproval and appeals process. The applicant for a Security Guard Certification may log into their Licensing Portal to view the current status of their application.
Please allow 90 days for completion of the application process.
When Should I Renew
A Security Guard Certification expires three (3) years after its date of issuance and upon the date the Secretary of State Police sets. By regulation, the Secretary shall stagger the terms of the certification. The license may be renewed for an additional 3-year term.
The renewal process is the responsibility of the applicant and should be started no less than 90 business days from expiration of the license. Timely renewal is the responsibility of the license holder.
The Security Guard Certification renewal application and any required documentation must be submitted via the Licensing Portal at least 90 business days before a certification expires.
Prerequisites for Renewal
Security Guard Certification Renewal applications require:
- Livescan fingerprints
- documentation of satisfactory completion of 8 hours of continuing security training that is approved by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission under § 19–412 of the Business Occupations and Professions Article
- the renewal fee
- any late fees required
It is the Security Guard Certification holder’s responsibility to update their Licensing Portal account with any email or address changes. Alternatively, you may notify the Licensing Division in writing, within 30 days of any change. You may send your updated information to: Renewal reminders and other important notifications will be sent to the email or physical address associated with the Security Guard Certification holder's Licensing Portal account.
Renewal Application Process
The Security Guard Certification renewal application process closely mirrors the original application process. The applicant will log into their Licensing Portal account and begin the Application for Security Guard Certification. The applicant should select RENEWAL as the type of application. The Licensing Portal The system will recognize that the applicant has a current Security Guard Certification and adjust the application accordingly.
Upon completing and submitting the applicant portion of the Security Guard Certification renewal application, you will receive a confirmation email with your application number and PIN number. Both the application number and PIN number will be required by your Security Guard Agency or Security Guard Employer.
You will need to provide your Agency or Employer with certain information for them to access your application via the Licensing Portal. The Agency or Employer will access the Security Guard Certification renewal application and verify the identity of the applicant, the application data entered, reaffirm the application questions with the applicant and submit the application along with the required fees to the Licensing Division.
The Licensing Division will review the application for completion and accept all complete applications. Applications that are incomplete or missing required information and/or documentation will be sent back to the applicant for corrections. Corrected applications can be resubmitted for acceptance by the Licensing Division. Accepted applications will have a criminal history background check completed and a final disposition assigned as outlined above in the APPLICATION PROCESS section.
Please allow 90 days for completion of the renewal application process.
Renewal applicants must be entitled to be certified. If a prohibiting conviction or event has occurred since receiving the previous license, the renewal will not be granted.
Application Fees
Application fees will be collected electronically in the Licensing Portal.
Acceptable forms of payment include Visa and MasterCard.
Original/Initial – $15.00 – Fingerprint Fees not included
Renewal – $10.00 – Fingerprint Fees not included
For a complete list of MSP application fees, please see the Licensing Division Fee Schedule.
Application fees are non-refundable.
Late Fees
If the Maryland State Police does not receive the renewal application and required documents at least 90 days before the license expiration date, the Maryland State Police shall charge the licensee a late fee of $5.00 per day, beginning the day after the expiration date. A maximum of $150.00 may be assessed. The Licensing Division may not certify any applicant if the applicant has outstanding late fee obligations.
How Long is the Application Process
APPLICANT - Unless exempt from the training requirement, an applicant will be required to attend 12 hours of initial security training that is approved by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission under § 19–412 of the Business Occupations and Professions Article and submit Livescan Fingerprints.
Once these prerequisites have been completed, the Security Guard Certification application can be completed in the Licensing Portal within 30-60 minutes. Renewal applications can be completed in the Licensing Portal within 15-30 minutes.
SECURITY GUARD AGENCY/SECURITY GUARD EMPLOYER - The verification of applicant's identity, review of the application and documentation, and submission of the application fees can be completed in the Licensing Portal within 10-20 minutes.
LICENSING DIVISION PROCESSING TIME - Once the Licensing Division electronically receives the completed Security Guard Certification application and the required application fees, the applicant will be notified of the final disposition within 90 days.