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The F.B.I. will no longer accept paper fingerprint cards. All fingerprints submitted to the F.B.I. will need to be taken electronically.
Please visit the DPSCS website to find a fingerprinting location near you.
The Maryland State Police is committed to maintaining a strong presence in Montgomery County and our troopers and civilian employees are working daily to ensure county citizens remain safe and secure. Uniform patrol troopers of the Rockville Barrack are joined by investigators from our Criminal Investigation Bureau and uniformed troopers from the Special Operations Bureau working in Montgomery County in this important undertaking. We strongly believe the Maryland State Police fulfills a critical role in supporting local law enforcement through our statewide authority and mission to fight inter-jurisdictional crime and its impact on Montgomery County.
7915 Montrose RoadRockville, MD 20854301-251-8000/
Commander Lieutenant Vincent W. Upole
Assistant Barrack Commander
First Sergeant Michael E. Taluskie
Criminal Investigation Supervisor/Domestic Violence Coordinator
Detective Sergeant Francis E. Shanks
We're available on the following channels.