Who Should Apply
Any person who wishes to legally wear, carry or transport a handgun in Maryland must possess and maintain on your person a valid Maryland Handgun Wear and Carry Permit (handgun permit) issued by the Maryland Department of State Police. Submission of the Wear and Carry Permit application does not authorize you to wear, carry, or transport a handgun.
Wear and Carry Permits may be issued to a person who meets the following criteria:
- An applicant who is 21 years of age or is a person who is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, the National Guard, or the uniformed services. PS 5-306(a)(1)(i).
- Has not been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor for which a sentence of imprisonment for more than one year has been imposed; or convicted of a criminal offense for which you could have been sentenced to more than 2 years incarceration.
- Has not been convicted of a crime involving the possession, use, or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance;
- Is not presently an alcoholic, addict, or habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance unless under legitimate medical direction;
- Based on an investigation, has not exhibited a propensity for violence or instability that may reasonably render the person’s possession of a handgun a danger to the person or others;
- Unless exempt, has successfully completed the Maryland State Police
approved firearms training course within 2 years
prior to submitting the original or renewal application. Training must be successfully completed prior to submitting the application, unless you are exempt from the training requirement. Please click here for information on Wear and Carry Permit Training
Process Changes/Updates
There have been no changes to the application or the process in the last 12 months.
How To Apply
The Maryland State Police application to Wear and Carry a firearm can ONLY be completed through the Licensing Portal. Applicants for a Wear and Carry Permit will be required to submit the following prerequisites and minimum documentation.
Prerequisites and Minimum Documentation to Apply for a Wear and Carry Permit:
- LIVESCAN FINGERPRINTS - Prior to submitting a Wear and Carry Permit application, the applicant is required to submit Livescan fingerprints for a background investigation. The applicant must provide a receipt from the Livescan vendor documenting the submission of Livescan fingerprints to Maryland CJIS and the FBI under the wear and carry authorization code. This receipt will be required to be uploaded into the Wear and Carry Permit application in the Licensing Portal. The wear and carry authorization code and additional information regarding the fingerprinting process is available here.
- FIREARMS SAFETY TRAINING - Unless exempt from the training requirement, within 2 years prior to the submission of a Wear and Carry Permit application, an applicant must successfully complete the Maryland State Police approved 16 hour Firearms Safety Training Course provided by a Qualified Handgun Instructor. The applicant will be required to upload a completed and signed MSP 29-14 Certified Qualification Score Sheet to the documents section of the Wear and Carry Permit Application in the Licensing Portal. Additional information on the Firearms Safety Training Course, including persons exempt from the training requirement can be found on the Wear and Carry Permit Training page. Additional information regarding Qualified Handgun Instructors can be found here.
- COLOR PASSPORT STYLE PHOTOGRAPH - The applicant will be required to upload a color passport style photograph into the wear and carry permit application in the Licensing Portal. A photo editor and complete instructions will be found on the photograph page of the wear and carry application. It is not necessary to purchase passport style photographs for this process.
APPLICATION PROCESS - Once a Wear and Carry applicant has submitted Livescan fingerprints and has successfully completed the firearms safety training course, they should access the Licensing Portal and begin the Application for Wear & Carry Permit (Handgun Permit). Applicants who do not have a Licensing Portal account will be required to create one in order to access the Wear and Carry Permit application. Creating an account assists us with verifying your identity and ensures the safety of your personal demographics. You will be required to have a personal email account. Licensing Portal accounts shall not be shared. Once you have created your account, you will be able to login and start your Wear and Carry Permit application. The applicant shall complete each section of the Wear and Carry Permit application and upload all required documentation. Upon completing all application requirements, the applicant will be directed to the application payment page. Once the application fees are entered, the application will be finalized and submitted to the Licensing Division. The Licensing Division will review the application for completion and accept all complete applications. Should an application not meet the minimum requirements for submission, the application will be sent back to the applicant for corrections. After the corrections have been made, the application can be resubmitted for review and acceptance. Accepted applications will be submitted into the queue for a criminal history background to be completed on the applicant. During the course of this investigation, the applicant may be contacted by a background investigator to schedule an interview if necessary. Once the background investigation is complete, the Licensing Division will render a final disposition on the application. The applicant will receive a notification via email to log into their Licensing Portal account to review the final disposition on the application. If the applicant is not prohibited by law from the issuance of a wear and carry permit, the application will be “Approved” and an approval letter and the wear and carry permit card will be sent, via US Mail, to the address on file for the applicant. However, if the investigation reveals that the applicant is prohibited by law, the application will be “Disapproved.” An applicant who is denied a wear and carry permit may request within 10-days after the receipt of the final disposition an informal review of the final disposition and/or an appeal of the final disposition to the Office of Administrative Hearings. Detailed instructions for these processes will be provided in the final disposition notification. The applicant for a Wear and Carry Permit will receive notification via email as the application process through the various stages of the background investigation.
Please allow 90 days for completion of the application process
When Should I Renew
The initial Wear and Carry Permit expires on the last day of the permit holder’s birth month following two (2) years after the date the permit is issued. Permits that have been modified or are a duplicate expire on the date provided on the initial permit.
A Wear and Carry Permit may be renewed for successive periods of three (3) years each if, at the time of an application for renewal, the applicant possesses the qualifications for the issuance of a permit and pays the renewal fee.
The renewal process is the responsibility of the applicant and should be started 90 days from expiration of the permit. Timely renewal is the responsibility of the permit holder. The Licensing Portal will send out renewal reminders for Wear and Carry permit applications that have been submitted through the Licensing Portal. The renewal reminder will be sent via email to the confirmed email address associated with the applicant's Licensing Portal account.
Renewal reminders will be emailed to Wear and Carry Permit holders who hold an active permit that will be expiring.
It is the permit holder’s responsibility to update their Licensing Portal account with any email or address changes. Alternatively, you may notify the Licensing Division in writing, within 30 days of any change. You may send your updated information to: msp.handgunpermits@maryland.gov. Renewal reminders and other important notifications will be sent to the email or physical address associated with the permit holder's Licensing Portal account.
Wear and Carry Permit Renewal Instructions
Wear and Carry Permit holder's seeking to renew their Wear and Carry Permit are not required to submit Livescan fingerprints as part of the renewal.
Unless exempt from the training requirement, the renewal of a Wear and Carry Permit requires an applicant to successfully complete the Maryland State Police approved 8 hour Firearms Safety Training Course provided by a Qualified Handgun Instructor. The applicant will be required to upload a completed and signed MSP 29-14 Certified Qualification Score Sheet to the documents section of the Wear and Carry Permit Renewal Application in the Licensing Portal. Additional information on the Firearms Safety Training Course, including persons exempt from the training requirement can be found on the Wear and Carry Permit Training page. Additional information regarding Qualified Handgun Instructors can be found here.
RENEWAL APPLICATION PROCESS - The Wear and Carry renewal application process closely mirrors the original application process. The applicant will log into their Licensing Portal account and begin the Application for Wear & Carry Permit (Handgun Permit). The system will recognize that the applicant has a current Wear and Carry Permit and adjust the application accordingly. The renewal application will have numerous pages pre-populated from the original application. The applicant should verify all pre-populated information and assure it is valid and current. The applicant will be required to upload all required documentation and may be prompted to update their passport style photograph. Once the application has been completed and all required documentation has been uploaded, the applicant will be directed to the application payment page. Once the application fees are entered, the application will be finalized and submitted to the Licensing Division. The Licensing Division will review the application for completion and accept all complete applications. Applications that are incomplete or missing required information and/or documentation will be sent back to the applicant for corrections. Corrected applications can be resubmitted for acceptance by the Licensing Division. Accepted applications will have a criminal history background check completed and a final disposition assigned as outlined above in the APPLICATION PROCESS section.
Please allow 90 days for completion of the renewal application process
IMPORTANT REMINDER REGARDING WEAR AND CARRY PERMIT RENEWALS: Wear and Carry Permit renewal applications must be submitted prior to the expiration date of the current Wear and Carry Permit. Wear and Carry Permit renewal applications submitted after the current permit expiration date will result in the rejection of the Wear and Carry Permit renewal application and require a new Wear and Carry Permit application be submitted with a new 16-hour firearms safety training certificate and proof of a new Livescan fingerprint submission.
For further guidance in regard to submitting a Wear and Carry permit application or request, please refer to the Wear and Carry Portal Users Guide.
Application Fees
Acceptable forms of payment include Visa and MasterCard.
Original/Initial – $125.00 – Fingerprint Fees not included
Renewal – $75.00 –
Fingerprints not required
Replacement/Modification – $20.00 – Fingerprints not required
Active/Retired Law Enforcement Officers of this State or a County/Municipality (PS 5-304) – $0.00
Application fees are non-refundable.
How Long is the Application Process
APPLICANT - Unless exempt, an applicant will be required to attend a Maryland State Police approved 16 hour Firearms Safety Training Course provided by a Qualified Handgun Instructor and submit Livescan Fingerprints. Once these perquisites have been completed, the Wear and Carry Permit application can be completed in the Licensing Portal within 1.5-2 hours.
PROCESSING TIME - Once the Licensing Division electronically receives the completed Wear and Carry Permit application and the required application fee, the applicant will be notified of the final disposition within 90 days.
Where are Firearms Prohibited
Restrictions on the wear, carry and transport of handguns and firearms in certain places appear throughout Maryland law and COMAR regulations. Below are statutes and regulations detailing the handgun and firearm restrictions. This list should not be considered all-inclusive.
1. On school property
(CR 4-102)
2. Within 1,000 feet of a demonstration in a public place after a law enforcement officer advises that a demonstration is occurring at the public place and orders the person to leave the demonstration area until the person disposes of the firearm (CR 4-208)
3. In legislative buildings
(SG 2-1702)
4. Aboard aircraft (TR 5-1008)
5. In lodging establishments where the innkeeper reasonably believes individuals possess property that may be dangerous to other individuals, such as firearms or explosives
(BR 15-203)
6. On dredge boats, other than two 10 gauge shotguns (NR 4-1013)
7. In or around State-owned public buildings and grounds
8. On Chesapeake Forest Lands (except for hunting and target shooting as permitted)
9. In State Forests (except for hunting and target shooting as permitted)
10. In State Parks (except for hunting and target shooting as permitted) (COMAR
11. In State Highway Rest Areas, firearms may not be displayed or discharged (COMAR
12. In community adult rehabilitation centers
13. In child care centers, except for small centers located in residences, firearms may not be kept on the premises (COMAR 13A.16.10.04)
Effective October 1, 2023, Senate Bill 1 adds the following areas where firearms are prohibited:
- A person may not wear, carry, or transport a firearm in an area for children or vulnerable individuals.
- a preschool or prekindergarten facility or the grounds of the facility;
- a private primary or secondary school or the grounds of the school; or
- a health care facility, as defined in § 15–10B–01(g)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of the Insurance Article.
A person may not wear, carry, or transport a firearm in a government or public infrastructure area.
- A person may not wear, carry, or transport a firearm in a special purpose area. (CR 4-111(E))
- "Special Purpose Area" means:
- a location licensed to sell or dispense alcohol or cannabis for on-site consumption;
- a stadium;
- a museum;
- a racetrack; or
- a video lottery facility, as defined in §9-1A-01 of the State Government Article.
- A person wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm may not enter or trespass in the dwelling of another unless the owner or the owner's agent has given express permission, either to the person or to the public generally, to wear, carry, or transport a firearm inside the dwelling. (CR 6-411(C)
- A person wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm may not:
- enter or trespass on property unless the owner or the owner's agent has posted a clear and conspicuous sign indicating that it is permissible to wear, carry, or transport a firearm on the property; or
- enter or trespass on property unless the owner or the owner's agent has given the person express permission to wear, carry, or transport a firearm on the property. (CR 6-411(D))
For a location that is not owned by, leased by, or otherwise under the control of the state or a political subdivision of the state, the prohibitions listed above in items 1, 2 and 3 (effective October 1, 2023), do not apply to:
- The owner or lessee of the location; or
- A person who is authorized by the owner or lessee of the location to wear, carry, or transport a firearm at the location for the purpose of:
- employment as a security guard licensed under Title 19 of the Business Occupations Article; or
- protecting any individual or property at the location with an express agreement between the parties, remuneration, or compensation. (CR 4-111(B)(9))
The prohibitions listed above in items 1, 2 and 3 (effective October 1, 2023), do not apply to a firearm that is carried or transported in a motor vehicle if the firearm is:- locked in a container; or
- a handgun worn, carried, or transported in compliance with any limitations imposed under § 5–307 of the Public Safety Article, by a person to whom a permit to wear, carry, or transport the handgun has been issued under Title 5, Subtitle 3 of the Public Safety Article (CR 4-111(B)(11))
On August 2, 2024, the United States District Court for the District of Maryland has ordered an injunction after ruling that the following laws restricting the carrying of firearms are unconstitutional:
- locations selling alcohol, Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 4-111(a)(2)(8)(i);
- private buildings or property without the owner’s consent, Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 6-411; and
- within 1,000 feet of a public demonstration, Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 4-208.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use my original training document for my renewal?<div class="ExternalClassF87F0E4D77484DD29CF9A25D81E49CB3"><p>No, Unless exempt, Maryland law requires the completion of an additional eight (8) hour training course for each renewal application submitted.<br></p></div>
Is it lawful for a medical cannabis patient or a personal user of cannabis to own or possess a firearm?<div class="ExternalClassCD8DED66C70F4FB18AE19197E8D61823"><p>No. Federal law bars medical cannabis patients and personal cannabis users from purchasing or possessing firearms. The Federal Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3), prohibits any person who is an "unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802))" from shipping, transporting, receiving or possessing firearms or ammunition. Marijuana is listed in the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I controlled substance, and there are no exceptions in Federal law for marijuana purportedly used for medicinal purposes, even if such use is sanctioned by State law.<br></p><p>Medical cannabis patient information contained in Maryland's patient registry is considered confidential, protected health information and held in compliance with federal HIPPA regulations by the Maryland Cannabis Commission. However, the Maryland State Police query individuals who seek to purchase a firearm about their status as a medical cannabis patient or personal use of cannabis and bar those who disclose that they are a medical cannabis patients or a personal user of cannabis from making the transaction. Individuals who provide false information by failing to disclose that they are a medical cannabis patient or a personal user of cannabis when purchasing a firearm are in violation of federal statute, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of as much as $250,000. <br></p></div>
How can I receive an application status check? <div class="ExternalClassA427A38484E34C9DA4746AA6CC41F340"><p>Your current application status can be obtained by logging in to your Licensing Portal account. Please note, wear and carry permit applications can take up to 90 days to process. If your application has been submitted for more than 90 days, please contact the Handgun Permit Unit at msp.handgunpermits@maryland.gov for further instructions.<br></p><br></div>
If my handgun permit should expire before I receive my renewed handgun permit card, can I still carry a handgun?<div class="ExternalClassBDAC266817684A348E689A1E98E6CA2C"><p>As long as the renewal application has been submitted in the Licensing Portal at least fourteen (14) days prior to the expiration date of the current handgun permit, you are still allowed to carry on the expired permit until you receive your renewed permit. If the application is returned to you for incompleteness and you resubmit it after the two (2) weeks, you will not be allowed to carry your handgun.</p></div>
What documentation do I need to submit with my renewal application?<div class="ExternalClass936C8BB4FDB64E458EED7FF715553463"><p>You will need to submit an updated MSP 29-14 Certified QualificationScore Sheet. If you would like to or are required to update your photo, you will upload an electronic photo to the documents section of the renewal application.</p></div>
How do I obtain a replacement if my Handgun Permit is lost or stolen?<div class="ExternalClass8A09A867EB8A4F22913567867F2FF251"><p>Wear and Carry card “Replacement” requests are submitted in your online portal account. If you do not have an existing portal account, you will need to create one to submit this request. You must attach a notarized letter to your online request, explaining the circumstances of the loss/theft. There is a $10 fee, which is paid via credit card upon the submission of your request. If you are a security guard, private detective, armored car driver or special police officer, please attach an updated company sponsorship to your request.</p></div>
What is a "PCN" number?<div class="ExternalClass81E22676686F4CD6822A2E1402A5E95D"><p>The "PCN" or "TCN" is the number located on the Live-Scan fingerprint reciept.<br></p></div>
Who is exempt from the training requirement?<div class="ExternalClassD4ED4595435E49D3945EFD6BD8633BF1"><p><a href="http://mdsp.maryland.gov/Organization/Pages/CriminalInvestigationBureau/LicensingDivision/Training/WearandCarryPermit.aspx" target="_blank">Click Here</a> to see the exemptions</p></div>
Where can I go to be LiveScan fingerprinted?<div class="ExternalClass1C81A6B6105E4287B8483487268906DB"><p>To find a fingerprinting service provider, please <a href="http://www.dpscs.state.md.us/publicservs/fingerprint.shtml">Click Here</a>.</p></div>
Can I legally transport firearms interstate?<div class="ExternalClass25DBEFFEB9E846AA9295D0E2C3BA4C7E"><p>Yes, under Title 18, Section 926A, of the United States Code, a person who is not prohibited from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment. In the case the vehicle does not have a compartment separate from the driver's compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked compartment other than the glove compartment or console.</p></div>
To obtain the most recent text of any legislation, please go online to LexisNexis or the Maryland General Assembly's website to access the most up-to-date Maryland code.
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