Lieutenant Colonel Scott E. Keyser, Bureau Chief
1201 Reisterstown Road
Pikesville, Maryland 21208-3899
The Support Services Bureau is divided into four Commands: Technology and Information Management, Personnel, Logistics, and Aviation. It provides materials and services to the Department of State Police and manages the Department's information technology and communications systems that support law enforcement across the State.
Technology and Information Management Command
The Technology and Information Management Command is comprised of four divisions: Central Records, Electronic Services, Information Technology, and Police Communications. Also encompassed is the IT Project Management Office (PMO) which manages development and implementation of the Department's major IT projects, such as Licensing Automation and 700 MHz Radio. The Command administers collection and reporting of crime and traffic data; installs and maintains the electronic communication systems used by all Troopers; implements and supports the enterprise level State information technology systems used by the Department and citizenry; acts as Statewide NCIC oversight; and oversees communication systems training.
1201 Reisterstown Road
Pikesville, MD 21208-3899
Major Tawn Gregory, Commander
(410) 653-4214
Personnel Command
The Personnel Command coordinates the wide range of personnel services needed to support the operational elements of the Maryland State Police. These services include recruitment, selection, and retention of sworn and civilian personnel, administration of human resources, management of the sworn promotional process, training and development of sworn and civilian personnel, the administration of disciplinary procedures and grievances for sworn and civilian personnel and administrative hearings.
1201 Reisterstown Road
Pikesville, Maryland 21208-3899
Major Crystal Carter, Commander
(410) 653-4212
Logistics Command
The Logistics Command is divided into three major support divisions: Facilities Management Division, Motor Vehicle Division and the Quartermaster Division. The Logistics Command is responsible for the procurement, maintenance, and distribution of the Department’s vehicles, goods and services, as well as management of all building facilities, to ensure operational readiness.
7749 Washington Boulevard
Jessup, Maryland 20794
Major Jon Armiger, Commander
(410) 379-9580
Aviation Command
The Aviation Command provides airborne delivery of emergency medical transportation (Medevac), law enforcement, search and rescue, homeland security, and disaster assessment services to the public. The services of the Maryland State Police Aviation Command are funded via a surcharge on motor vehicle registrations, and thus no user of the services we provide are billed for the costs. The Aviation Command operates ten (10) Agusta AW-139 helicopters and two (2) airplanes from seven (7) bases throughout the State. There are 205 dedicated civilian and sworn employees to ensure the Aviation Command is ready on a 24/7/365 basis.
The Aviation Command is comprised of two major divisions. The Flight Operations Division is the most visible part of our Command, as pilots, medical personnel, flight crews and supervisors performing the mission are assigned to Flight Operations. The Support Operations Division supports the mission through Aircraft Maintenance Operations which maintains the aircraft fleet, a Procurement Section which ensures commodities and services are procured, and other supporting functions such as Building Maintenance, Materials Management, Human Resources support, and Information Technology support.
3023 Strawberry Point Road 
Baltimore, Maryland 21220-5513
Major Michael Tagliaferri, Commander
(410) 238-5800