The Maryland State Police now accepts online applications for the Trooper position.
To apply, please follow the instructions listed below.
The online application system is through the Department of Budget and Management's Online Employment Center. All interested applicants will need to create an account. Creating an account will enable interested applicants to search and apply for Maryland State employment. Applicants can also track their application status within their accounts.
You can create an account simply by clicking Apply Now on the Trooper job posting.
When filling out the Trooper Online Application, all applicants will complete the Supplemental Questionnaire (Part A), EEO Information, and part of the Profile Tab. The entire application should NOT be completed.
On the Profile tab, applicants will be instructed to STOP completing the application. Below are the image and messages that will be seen. Please do NOT complete any questions below this message or on the other tabs not mentioned previously.

The partial application will be reviewed. Within 2-3 days, applicants will receive notification to the email address they provided with information on whether they were selected to continue in the application process.
Applicants selected to continue will receive an invitation and scheduling confirmation for the FFAT and Written Tests. Additionally, applicants will be invited to attend a voluntary virtual orientation that explains the hiring process in more detail.
To start the Maryland State Police Trooper Application, click HERE.