Qualified Handgun Instructors are responsible for qualifying students for Handgun Qualification Licenses and Handgun Carry Permits. Instructors whose courses fail to meet minimum standards and who improperly certify applicants shall have their Qualified Handgun Instructor status revoked.
What Is It
A Qualified Handgun Instructor is defined as:
Certified Qualified Handgun Instructor (QHIC)- Is a person whom the Maryland State Police has confirmed as being certified by either the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions or a nationally recognized firearms organization as a firearm instructor. A Certified Qualified Handgun Instructor may instruct Handgun Qualification License applicants and Handgun Wear and Carry Permit applicants.
Licensed Qualified Handgun Instructor (QHIL)- Is a person licensed by the Maryland State Police as a firearm instructor who may instruct Handgun Qualification License applicants and Handgun Wear and Carry Permit applicants.
A list of Qualified Handgun Instructors is available online
Who Needs It
Any individual who wishes to instruct and certify an applicant for either the following, must be a Qualified Handgun Instructor:
- A Maryland Handgun Qualification License
- A Maryland Wear and Carry Permit
How To Get It
To apply for Qualified Handgun Instructors registration or certification submit an application through MyLicense
How To Renew A QHIL or QHIC
Qualified Handgun Instructors can renew a license by following these steps:
1. Log into their HQL Account;
2. Click on Renew License located on the left hand side of the screen;
3. Click on the word “Continue”;
4. Complete the application along with attaching the document; and
5. Submit the renewal.
Inspection and Compliance Unit Questions
Email: msp.inspectioncompliance@maryland.gov
Additional Qualified Handgun Instructor FAQs
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