New Resident

Who Sh​​ould Apply

​​​​A person who moves into Maryland with the intent of becoming a resident shall register all regulated firearms with the Secretary of the Maryland Department of State Police within 90 days after establishing residency.

Process Changes/Updates

​​​There have been no registration process changes in the last 12 months.​

How to Apply

The New Resident registration is an electronic application accessible through the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services PageThe new resident registration application requires the applicant to provide the make, model, manufacturer’s serial number, caliber, type, barrel length, finish, and country of origin for each regulated firearm being registered. 

Registration Fees

Acceptable forms of payment include Visa and MasterCard.

The registration fee is $15, regardless of the number of firearms being registered.

Registration fees are non-refundable. 

How Long is the Application Process

​​APPLICANT - Depending on the number of regulated firearms being registered, the New Resident registration application can be completed in the eMDSP Online Services website within 10-30 minutes. 

PROCESSING TIME - Once the Licensing Division electronically receives the completed New Resident registration application and the required registration fee, the application will be processed and the applicant will be notified, via email, of the final disposition within 7 days.




To obtain the most recent text of any legislation, please go online to Lexis​Nexis or the Maryland General Assembly's website to access the most ​up-to-date Maryland code. 

New Resident registration requirements can be located in Public Safety §​5-143.

The definition of a Regulated Firearm can be found in Public Safety §5-101(r).
