Handgun Qualification License

Who Sh​​ould Apply

​​​​A Maryland resident must possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) or qualify for an HQL exemption before they may purchase, rent, or receive a handgun. A Handgun Qualification License is not required to possess a handgun that you already legally own.

Persons exempt from possessing a Handgun Qualification License:

  1. A Licensed Firearms Manufacturer.
  2. Active law enforcement officer or a person retired in good standing from a law enforcement agency of the United States (Federal Law Enforcement), the state of Maryland, or a local law enforcement agency of the state of Maryland.
  3. Active or retired member of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard and possesses a valid military identification card.
  4. A person purchasing, renting or receiving an antique, curio or relic as defined in federal law.
  5. Maryland licensed firearms dealers. (Sole Proprietors)
Please Note: Residency exemptions have been made for active military personnel and their spouses. Additional information on verifying current or retired military credentials can be found at http://www.cac.mil/

Persons required to possess a Handgun Qualification License, but exempt from the firearms safety training requirement:​​​​​​​​

  1. Someone who completed a firearms safety training course approved by the Secretary of the Department of Maryland State Police.
  2. Has completed a course of instruction in the competency and safety of firearms as prescribed under Natural Resources Article, §10-301.1, Annotated Code of Maryland. Application for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Course Certificate can be obtained from here and may be used in lieu of Qualified Handgun Instruction.
  3. Is currently a qualified handgun instructor.
  4. Is an honorably discharged member of the armed forces of the United States or National Guard.
  5. Is an employee of an armored car company who has a handgun permit issued by MSP.
  6. ​​Lawfully owns a regulated firearm.​

Process Changes/Updates

  • December 2024 - Firearms Safety Training Certificate required to be uploaded to the HQL application. 
  • ​​November 2024 - a question regarding cannabis usage was added to the HQL application.​​
  • November 2024 - Modification to the HQL 30 and 60 day renewal notifications.
  • October 2024 - Update/modification to the HQL Information Release.
  • October 2024 - Update to the FBI Privacy Act Statement and Non Criminal Justice Applicant's Privacy Rights attachment procedure.
  • May 2024 - Modification to the Applicant's Licensing Home Page "View Checklist" to clarify application status.


How to Apply

The HQL is an electronic application accessible through the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Page. Applicants who possess a valid Maryland Wear and Carry (Handgun) Permit are eligible to request a "Permit Exempt" HQL at no cost in accordance with PS §5–306(e). This request must be completed through the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Page.​ 

​​Prerequisites​ to Apply for a Handgun Qualification License:

LIVESCAN FINGERPRINTS - Prior to submitting an application for an HQL, the applicant is required to submit Livescan fingerprints for a background investigation. For HQL purposes, Livescan fingerprints are valid for 12 months after the date of fingerprint submission​. Additional information regarding the fingerprinting process is available HERE. "Permit Exempt" HQL requests do not require Livescan fingerprint submission.

​FIREARMS SAFETY TRAINING - Within 3 years prior to the submission of an HQL application, an applicant must demonstrate a satisfactory completion of a Firearms Safety Training Course instructed by a Qualified Handgun Instructor. The Firearms Safety Training Course shall consist of a minimum of 4 hours of instruction and include the following minimum curricula:

  1. State Firearm Law. Overview of the State firearm laws, including discussion of what constitutes a regulated firearm, how to properly purchase or transfer a firearm, where allowed to carry or transport a firearm, when necessary to possess a carry permit, who is prohibited from possessing firearms, and state law relating to minors, permissible levels of force, and use of deadly force.
  2. Home Firearm Safety. Overview of handgun and firearm safety in the home, including discussion of access to minors, locking and storing of firearms, and use of safety devices, such as secure lock boxes.
  3. Handgun Mechanisms and Operation. Overview of the proper operation and safe handling of a handgun, including cleaning and maintenance, the loading and unloading of ammunition, and the differences between revolvers and semi-automatic handguns.
  4. Operation and Handling Demonstration. Orientation component that demonstrates the person’s safe operation and handling of a firearm, to include a “live fire” component in which the applicant safely discharges the firearm. An applicant may not be required to fire in excess of 15 yards during qualifications.
Additional information regarding Qualified Handgun Instructors can be found HERE.

APPLICATION PROCESS - Once an HQL applicant has submitted Livescan fingerprints and has satisfactory completed the firearms safety training course, they should access the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Page. Applicants who do not have a eMDSP account will be required to create one​. You must have a valid personal email address to create an account. Email addresses​ or accounts can not be shared. Once logged in, the applicant will select "Initial Application" under the MENU on the left side of the screen. The applicant will review the available services and select the appropriate application that they are applying for. Applicants who are not exempt from the firearms safety training requirement will be required to upload a copy of their proof of satisfactory completion of the firearms safety training course. With the exception of "Permit Exempt" HQL applicants, all HQL applicants are required to upload a copy of their Livescan fingerprint receipt. Upon completing all application requirements, the applicant will be directed to the application payment page. Once the application fees are entered, the application will be finalized and submitted to the Licensing Division. The Licensing Division will review the application, conduct the criminal history background investigation on the applicant and render a final disposition on the application. The final disposition notification and if approved, the Handgun Qualification License will be sent to the email address associated with the applicant's registered account. If the application is denied, the applicant may contact the Handgun Qualification Unit for more information; no further details will be provided in the notification email.   

When Should I Renew

The initial Handgun Qualification License expires 10 years from the date of issuance. 

A Handgun Qualification License may be renewed for successive periods of 10 years each if, at the time of an application for renewal, the applicant possesses the qualifications for the issuance of a license and submits a $20.00 nonrefundable application renewal fee. The Handgun Qualification License Renewal application should be submitted at least 14 days prior to the expiration of the current Handgun Qualification License.

Handgun Qualification License renewal applicants are NOT required to submit ​fingerprints or complete additional firearms safety training as part of the application for the renewal of an active Handgun Qualification License.​​​ 

​Renewal reminders will be emailed to Handgun Qualification License holders who hold an active license that will be expiring.

It is the license holder’s responsibility to notify the Licensing Division of any email or address changes, in writing, within 30 days of any change. You may also log into your account and update your email or physical address under the demographics page.

Handgun Qualification License Renewal Instructions

  • ​Login to your eMDSP  account. 
  • Enter your User ID and Password. (If you have forgotten your User ID and/or Password, please click on Forgotten Password)
  • Click on Renew License.
  • Verify License and Click Continue (in yellow).
  • On the left side under Menu Click on Demographics. Please update the Demographics page (ex: address, phone #s and Driver's License information). Once updated click on Update at the bottom of the page.
  • Application Questions: Please answer the following questions by choosing the respective answer(s) from the drop-down menu(s) provided.  Once all questions are answered, please Click on Submit at the bottom of the page.
  • Document Upload page- If you have any documents that you need to upload, please attach them to this page (ex. Expungement documents) if not, please Click on Next at the bottom of the page.
  • Please review your application and if everything is correct, Click on Pay Fees at the bottom of the page.
  • Checkout page- Click Transfer (this will take you to the Payment Processor).​
  • Please enter your credit card information and Click Pay.
  • Receipt page will appear, confirming that the renewal application has been submitted.
​IMPORTANT REMINDER REGARDING HANDGUN QUALIFICATION LICENSE (HQL) RENEWALS: HQL renewal applications must be submitted​ prior to the expiration date of the current HQL. HQL renewal applications submitted after the expiration date will result in the rejection of the HQL renewal application and require a new HQL application be submitted with a new firearms safety training certificate and proof of a new Livescan fingerprint submission. 

Application Fees

Acceptable methods of payment include Visa or MasterCard

Original/Initial – $50.00 - Livescan Fingerprint Fees not included
Renewal – $20.00 - Livescan Fingerprints are not required​

Application fees are non-refundable.

How Long is the Application Process

​​APPLICANT - Unless exempt, an applicant will be required to obtain 4 hours of Firearms Safety Training with a Maryland Qualified Handgun Instructor and submit Livescan​ Fingerprints. Once these perquisites have been completed, the HQL application can be completed in the eMDSP Online Services website within 30-45 minutes. 

PROCESSING TIME - Once the Licensing Division electronically receives the completed HQL application and the required application fee, the applicant will be notified of the final disposition within 30 days.


Frequently Asked Questions




To obtain the most recent text of any legislation, please go online to Lexis​Nexis or the Maryland General Assembly's website​ to access the most ​up-to-date Maryland code.


expand HQL : 2013 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(2)
expand HQL : 2016 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(1)
expand HQL : 2017 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(3)
expand HQL : 2018 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(1)
expand HQL : 2020 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(3)
expand HQL : 2021 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(1)
expand HQL : 2023 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(3)
expand HQL : 2024 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(1)
expand HQL : Additional Documents ‎(1)
