Regulated Firearm Purchases

​Who Sh​​​​​ould Apply

Any person who wishes to purchase, rent, transfer, or voluntarily register a regulated firearm must complete a Maryland State Police Application and Affidavit to Purchase a Regulated Firearm (MSP 77R). Individuals acquiring or receiving a regulated firearm through a licensed firearms dealer, secondary (private party) sale, gift, inheritance or a person who wishes to voluntarily register a regulated firearm is required to complete a MSP 77R.

Process Changes/Updates

​​​​​​There have been no changes to the application or the process in the last 12 months.​

How To Apply

The Maryland State Police Application and Affidavit to Purchase a Regulated Firearm (MSP 77R) can ONLY be completed through the Licensi​ng Portal.  Applicants who do not have a Licensing Portal account will be required to create one in order to access the MSP 77R. You will need a valid personal email address to create a Licensing Portal account. Creating an account assists us with verifying your identity and ensures the safety of your personal demographics. Once you have created your account, you will be able to login and start your MSP 77R. Upon completing and submitting the applicant portion of the MSP 77R, you will receive a confirmation email with your application number and PIN number. Both the application number and PIN number will be required by a licensed Maryland Regulated Firearms Dealer or a Maryland State Police Barrack to complete the MSP 77R. The Dealer or Barrack will verify the identity of the applicant and the application data entered, reaffirm the application questions with the applicant, enter the firearm and payment information and submit the MSP 77R to the Licensing Division. Submission of the MSP 77R by the Dealer or Barrack begins the required 7-day wait. On the morning of the 8th day after the MSP 77R was received by the Licensing Division, you will receive an email notifying you of your final disposition. If the notification email states your final disposition is Not Disapproved or Initial Review Not Disapproved, your MSP 77R has been approved and you can now contact the Dealer or Secondary (Private) Seller to arrange the transfer of your firearm. However, if the notification email states your final disposition is Disapproved or Placed on Hold, you are prohibited from receiving the firearm and you may contact the Maryland State Police Licensing Division for more information regarding the Disapproval or Hold; no further details will be provided in the notification email. It is a violation of state and federal law for a Licensed Dealer or Secondary (Private) Seller to transfer a firearm to a MSP 77R applicant who has been Disapproved or Placed on Hold.  

Application Fees 

Acceptable forms of payment include Visa and MasterCard.​

Licensed dealers are assessed a $10 processing fee for each MSP 77R submitted. 

Secondary Sales conducted by a licensed dealer require a $10 processing fee. The licensed dealer may assess an additional processing fee not to exceed a total processing fee of $20.

Secondary Sales conducted at a Maryland State Police Barrack require a $10 processing fee.

There is no fee for a Voluntary Registration, Inheritance, or a Gift application to immediate family members. Immediate family members include your spouse, children​, grandchildren, parents and grandparents. Gifts to non-immediate family members are considered Secondary Sales and require the $10 application/processing fee. Please see the HQL page for any relevant fees to obtain a Handgun Qualification License, as it may be applicable for a Gift application.

MSP 77R application/processing fees are non-refundable.​

​​How Long Is the Application Process

​​Applicant - The applicant's portion of the MSP 77R can be completed in the Licensing Portal within 5-10 minutes.

Regulated Firearms Dealer/Barrack - This portion of the MSP 77R is completed at a Regulated Firearms Dealer's establishment or at a Maryland State Police Barracks and should only take 10-20 minutes.

Processing Time - Once the MSP 77R is submitted by the Regulated Firearms​ Dealer or Maryland State Police Barrack and received by the Licensing Division, the required 7-day wait will begin. The Licensing Division will complete the criminal history background investigation and the applicant will be notified of their final disposition on the morning of the 8th day after the Licensing Division received the MSP 77R. MSP 77R applicants that are Disapproved or Placed on Hold may be notified prior to the 8th day after the Licensing Division received the MSP 77R.

Frequently Asked Questions



To obtain the most recent text of any legislation, please go online to LexisNexis or the Maryland General Assembly's website​ to access the most ​up-to-date Maryland code.


expand Regulated Firearm Purchases : 2010 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(1)
expand Regulated Firearm Purchases : 2013 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(6)
expand Regulated Firearm Purchases : 2021 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(1)
expand Regulated Firearm Purchases : 2022 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(1)
expand Regulated Firearm Purchases : 2024 Advisories & Bulletins ‎(1)
expand Regulated Firearm Purchases : Additional Documents ‎(3)
