Private Detective Certifications

Effective 1/1/2025, all Professional Licensing applications (including Security Guard, Private Detective, Security System Technician, Special Police, Railroad Police, Security Guard Agency, Security Guard Employer, Private Detective Agency, Dual Agency, Security Systems Agency and Bullet Proof Body Armor) ​and application fees shall be submitted electronically in the Licensing Portal. Additional information, issued Advisories, training videos and a registration link for virtual training can be found​ on the Security Guard page at the following link:​ Security Guard

​ For additional information you may contact the Professional Licensing Unit at

All applicants are REQUIRED to sign and date the FBI PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT

A certified private detective may only be employed by a licensed private detective agency and may not offer private detective services outside the scope of his sponsoring agency.

Private detective services include, but are not limited to: conducting investigations, securing evidence for use before any investigating committee or board of arbitration, non-uniformed personal protection, and locating or apprehending fugitives from justice. For more information, refer to Business Occupations and Professions Title 13.​

Private Detectives working at multiple Agencies are required to have separate certifications for each Agency.  Private Detectives leaving one Agency and beginning at a new Agency must submit a Original application with the new Agency as the Sponsor. 


Who Should Apply?


Individuals desiring employment by a private detective agency to provide services as outlined above must meet the following criteria. Any individual employee of a private detective agency wishing to act as a private detective should submit an application.

The following conditions will disqualify you from becoming a private detective:

  1. Has been convicted of a violent crime (abduction, arson, burglary, escape, housebreaking, kidnapping, manslaughter, mayhem, murder, rape, robbery, sodomy, or an attempt to commit any of the above offenses, or assault with intent to commit any other offense for which the court sentenced imprisonment for more than 1 year)
  2. Has been convicted of a felony;
  3. Is a habitual drunkard;
  4. Is a fugitive from justice, which is defined as a person who has fled from a sheriff or other peace officer within this State, or who has fled from any state, territory, or the District of Columbia, or possession of the United States, to avoid prosecution for a crime of violence or to avoid giving testimony in any criminal proceeding;
  5. Is addicted to or a habitual user of narcotics, barbiturates, or amphetamines;
  6. Has been confined to a mental institution for treatment of a mental disorder or disorders, unless there is attached to the application a physician's certificate, issued within 30 days before the application, certifying that the applicant is of no danger to the applicant or others;
  7. Has falsified any information on the applicant's application; or
  8. Has been convicted of any criminal act directly related to the applicant's employment with a detective agency licensed or required to be licensed by the State Police.

How To Apply 

The Maryland State Police application for Private Detective certifications can ONLY be completed through the Licensing Portal. 

Allow 90 business days for the completion of the application process. 

All original applications require FBI and CJIS fingerprint submissions. Additionally, applicants must upload a passport style photograph of applicant​. Renewal applications only require FBI fingerprint submissions.

Application Fees 

Application fees will be collected electronically in the Licensing Portal.

​Acceptable forms of payment include Visa and MasterCard. 

Original/Initial – $15.00 – Fingerprint Fees not included
Renewal – $10.00 – Fingerprint Fees not included

For a complete list of MSP application fees, please see the Licensing Division Fee Schedule.​​​

Application fees are non-refundable​​.

When Should I Renew?

Renewed private detective certifications are for a 3-year term. The private detective identification card is valid for employment only with a private detective agency listed on the application. The card remains the property of the State and shall be returned to the state within five days after it is:
  1. Voluntarily surrendered
  2. Revoked by the State Police
  3. Convicted of a prohibiting crime
  4. Death of the cardholder
  5. Terminated from the private detective agency through which the certification was obtained

Note: It is the responsibility of the employing agency to notify the Maryland State Police when the holder of the card is terminated. It is the responsibility of the terminated employee to return the Certification Card to the Maryland State Police Licensing Division upon termination. 

At least 90 days before the certification expires, the applicant shall submit the application for renewal in the Licensing Portal. As a condition for certification renewal, an applicant shall submit to the Licensing Division:

  1. A properly completed renewal application; and
  2. A fee of $10 plus a copy of the LiveScan receipt showing payment for FBI fingerprint record check.
  3. Any applicable late fees
NOTE: Private Detective Certification Renewal applicants must be entitled to be certified.  If a prohibiting conviction or event has occurred, the renewal will not be granted.  The applicant is required to submit the renewal application at least 90 days before the license expiration date.  

If the application is not received at least 30 calendar days before the certification expires, the Maryland State Police SHALL assess a late fee of $5 per day, starting 30 days before the expiration of the license, until the application​ is RECEIVED​ by the Maryland State Police.  (Maximum late fee total is $150)

EXCEPTION:  Late fee will not be assessed if the applicant did not make timely renewal because of incapacity, hospitalization, being called to active military duty, or other hardship.

Frequently Asked Questions


How long is the process?


90 days, not to include weekends and holidays.​

Who do I make the check or money order out to?


Make all checks and money orders payable to the Maryland State Police.​

Is there an additional fee to expedite?


No, we do not expedite applications.​


Below you will find links to PDFs of relevant Maryland statutes, provided for your convenience. Please note that laws change over time. The below documents were created on August 20, 2013, and are for reference purposes only. To obtain the most recent text of any legislation, please go online to LexisNexis to access the up-to-date Maryland code.

Note:  If you are experiencing issues viewing any of the documents on our website please Click Here​.

Advisory LD-SSU  15-002 - Scope of Security Certification3.pdf
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