Railroad Police

Effective 1/1/2025, all Professional Licensing applications (including Security Guard, Private Detective, Security System Technician, Special Police, Railroad Police, Security Guard Agency, Security Guard Employer, Private Detective Agency, Dual Agency, Security Systems Agency and Bullet Proof Body Armor) ​and application fees shall be submitted electronically in the Licensing Portal. Additional information, issued Advisories, training videos and a registration link for virtual training can be found​ on the Security Guard page at the following link:​ Security Guard​​

​ For additional information you may contact the Professional Licensing Unit at msp.professionallicensing@maryland.gov

All applicants are REQUIRED to sign and date the FBI PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT

The Maryland Railroad Police Act defines a railroad company as a railway company or corporation engaged as a common carrier in the furnishing or sale of transportation subject to Subtitle IV of Title 49 of the United States Code. A railroad police officer is an individual appointed by the Governor to act as the police officer for a railroad company. As such, there are no renewal processes related.

Who Should Apply?


The Maryland Railroad Police Act states that each railroad company located wholly or partly in the State may apply for the appointment of railroad police officers:

  1. to protect property, patrons, passengers, tenants, employees, equipment, and services; and
  2. to preserve peace and order on railroad premises, easements, appurtenant property, trains, cars, and other vehicles.

To qualify for appointment to act as a railroad police officer under this subtitle, an applicant shall be an individual who:

  1. shall be of good moral character;
  2. may not have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;
  3. shall be at least 21 years old;
  4. be a full-time police officer employed by a railroad company on July 1, 1979; or
  5. meet all the educational and training requirements required by the Police Training Commission.

How To Apply

​The Maryland State Police application for Railroad Police Officer can ONLY be completed through the Licensing Portal

Please answer all questions accurately, completely and honestly. Once completed, the application will be submitted electronically in the Licensing Portal.  

Allow 90 days for the completion of the application process. 

All original applications require FBI and CJIS fingerprint submissions. Additionally, applicants must upload a color passport style photograph of the applicant in the Licensing Portal.  The photographs must be taken within the last 30 days. ​

Application Fees 

Application fees will be collected electronically in the Licensing Portal. 

Acceptable forms of payment include Visa and MasterCard. 

The fee for an initial application is $160, as established in COMAR (Note: as of 9/4/2013, the COMAR website is outdated and the address listed there is not correct; please reference the more up-to-date address information found on this site instead.) 

Application fees are non-refundable. 

​When Should I Renew?


There is no renewal associated with this appointment. An appointment issued under this subtitle remains in effect until:

  1. terminated by the railroad company that employs the railroad police officer; or
  2. revoked for cause by the Governor.

Employment of a railroad police officer ends on the retirement, resignation, or termination of the railroad police officer; the powers granted to a railroad police officer under this subtitle end when the employment of the railroad police officer ends; and within 10 days after the employment of a railroad police officer ends, the railroad company that employed the railroad police officer shall file notice with the Governor that the employment has ended.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to submit the license?


For the railroad police application, make sure you are submitting the following: two (2) photos, all applicable fees, and the application itself, which can be found under Documents.​

How long is the process?


90 days

Who do I make the check or money order out to?


Make all checks and money orders payable to the Maryland State Police.​

Is there an additional fee to expedite?


No, we do not expedite applications.​


Below you will find links to PDFs of relevant Maryland statutes, provided for your convenience. Please note that laws change over time. The below documents were created on June 12, 2013, and are for reference purposes only. To obtain the most recent text of any legislation, please go online to LexisNexis to access the up-to-date Maryland code.

Note:   If you are experiencing issues viewing any of the documents on our website please Click Here​.

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